15th June 2017
Pebbled Floors and Pebble Beaches, Symi
Did I mention how much I loved waking up to this view every day in Symi?

Because I really, really loved it!
(Hotel lowdown here, incase you missed it.)
Having thoroughly explored our little bay and some of the closer beaches, we set our sights on something a little further afield.
Climbing* way up into the hills, to be treated by quite the view.

*Don’t be fooled by “climbing”, we were in a taxi. Who do you think I am?!
We stopped to take in all of Symi Harbour and the little neighbouring bay of Pedi.
A patchwork quilt of terra-cotta roofs covering the rolling hills.

And sped off to the south of the island.

To another very special bay, a sheltered little lagoon called Panormitis.

Here you’ll find The Monastery of St. Michael.

A large 18th-century Venetian style building with the highest baroque bell tower in the world.

Built on the site of an ancient temple dedicated to the pagan god Apollo, the monastery has been a place of pilgrimage and devotion for hundreds of years.

The inner courtyard is paved with a painstakingly laid pebble mosaic floor, typical of the surrounding islands.

Swishy yellow dress
Similar basket // Leather sandals
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There are two museums within the monastery walls, dedicated to the older civilisations who recognised the spirituality of this special place.

It’s an incredibly peaceful place to be, far away from visiting crowds.
Somewhere to sit and enjoy the sea breeze.

Embroidered dress
Sandals // Basket
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Which we followed all the way out of the high monastery gates, to the closest beach – Marathounda Beach.

A pebbly spot with crystal clear water and fish that dance around your feet.

Hot & sticky from our travels, we stripped off and leapt into the cool blue waters.

Rainbow bikini
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We stretched out on warm rocks and watched the fishermen work.

Nodding hello to the occasional passing mermaid.

And goat.

We had lunch at one of the many surrounding tavernas.
Just kidding, there’s only one. But when it’s this good, one is all you need!

Still too early in the year for the masses I suppose will eventually arrive, we shared the bay with one yacht and a few local goats.

Ordering up our twice-daily order of Greek salad.

Blossom ring
There’s something about the combination of Greek tomatoes, full of sunshine, paired with crisp cucumber, peppers, olives and salty feta that just doesn’t feel the same anywhere but Greece.
So, when in Rome!

If you happen to make it down to our little bay, don’t even think about missing out on the fried zucchini with garlic sauce.

Or the spectacularly good chicken souvlaki with heart achingly great chips, fried in local olive oil.

Herby, lemony chicken and fluffy, crisp chips?
Sometimes the simplest dishes are the very best.

Just ask this guy!

Who was happy to share our bread basket.

Just look at that smile…

We spent the rest of the day swimming, snoozing and floating on a large pink lilo.
Eventually hitching a ride home on the last taxi boat.

Home in time for another sunset.

Which we watched from up on the hill.

At a little place called Haritomeni.

Bathed in golden light, watching the very last of the day disappear.

No matter how much time I spend in Greece I don’t think it’ll ever feel enough.
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