So that I don’t miss a single drop of our Asian adventure, I’ve decided to blog whenever I can.
Don’t worry, I wont keep posting them and bombard you with my bamboozling random musings. I’ll just clatter away on my keyboard now & then and pop them up later.
It’s 1pm and we’ve just arrived at Banyan Tree.
We were greeted by a cloud of smiling, beautiful Thai women who welcomed us warmly and draped our necks & arms in fragrant flower wreaths.
I think there’s jasmine in there somewhere, they smell good enough to eat!
The hotel reception is cavernously huge & all you can hear is the water pouring from the fountains.
I’m currently sipping iced tea and cuddling up to a cold, minty towel while the receptionist makes copies of our passports and fills out all the paperwork.
2pm: Oh my goodness, this place is unbelievable!
Milly and I just checked in and I thought I’d give you a little room tour…
You walk through the front door into the sitting room:
Then a little further on you get to Milly’s bathroom…
Which opens up onto her bedroom…
Just down the hall you find my bedroom…
Check out the view!
And then my bathroom,
but bathrooms are boring compared to what’s outside!
Welcome to our private little hideaway for the next few days.
5pm(ish): I’m currently waiting for the bath to fill up, so thought I’d catch up with you.
After running excitedly round our new home & flinging ourselves into the pool, we sat and chatted for a little while.
Read our books and played with the GoPro.
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Yes, it might look silly but I’m excited to dive head first into the world of video blogging!
Anyway, we jumped into a golf buggy which ferried us down to the beach.
Where we found another shack for a (second) late lunch.
I’d like to say our current over-eating is down to haywire body clocks, but I think we both know what it’s really about…
How could you possibly say no to food like this?
We feasted on curried crab, shrimp with an unholy (but delicious) amount of garlic, kale & morning glory.
We played in the sand & burnt our noses before heading back to the room.
And now, as I said, I’m waiting for the bath to fill.
I’ve poured almost an entire bottle of milky oil in there & the smell is heavenly!
The crickets are singing and the air is beginning to cool.
If you’ll excuse me, I’m about to put on some music & sink into that little jungle pool.
Midnight: So, Milly got jealous and jumped in too.
She did bring wine though, so I couldn’t be cross.
After a thorough soak, a good slick of moisturiser & an all round spritz of bug spray, we headed off to supper.
We found a quiet little restaurant on the beach & delighted in watching other people’s fireworks.
The food was unspeakably bad so we busied ourself with cocktails and moved on to an actual hut for a few more…
I’m pretty sure these count as some of our “Five a Day” right?
We’re back in our beds now.
Milly’s asleep and I am very, very happy. Good night!