I can’t tell you how good it is to be warm again!
I’d almost forgotten what it felt like to caressed by a hot summer’s day. To welcome the breeze and curse as you burn your toes on the sand.
We’ve been in Thailand, Phuket to be exact, for two days now and it still doesn’t seem real. Coming here was such a last minute decision that I haven’t had time to over think it or plan very much… just shove a few hastily gathered bikinis into a bag and repeat “tickets, money, passport” to myself like a mad woman.
We arrived after dark. The second we stepped off the plane the heat embraced us like a long lost friend (and it hasn’t loosened its grip since). We went right to bed and woke up the next day to coconuts on the beach.
We started our trip at Angsana, which sits right in the middle of a lagoon, next to the beach.
A glorious, long stretch of white sandy beach as it happens.
And there are red parasols.
The water is impossibly clear.
The place is practically deserted, except for a few pensioners strolling hand-in-hand along the sand.
Just when we thought we might be the only people under the age of 70, we ran into an old friend…
Tommy boy’s here too!
Looking as dashing as ever.
He joined us for a spot of lunch to escape the midday heat.
Before we all moved on to liquid pudding.
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As it turns out, the combination of killer jet-lag, February sun and pink wine is a little much for me!
I took myself back to the room for a little siesta.
While Milly & Tom chattered and worked on their tans, I slipped into soft white sheets and enjoyed an afternoon snooze.
By the time I emerged, it was supper time. We joined Tom’s dad and some local ex-pats for dinner in town and then headed back to our turf for a few cocktails by the glowing pool.
Milly and I eventually said our good nights and crept back through our jungle of a hotel to bed.
I fell into a deep sleep which lasted… all of three hours.
Bright eyed & bushy tailed, I woke up ready to roll! Only to have to wait for the sun to rise and everyone else to catch up.
I emailed, Skyped and twiddled my thumbs until breakfast time, when I feasted on bacon and pancakes. Downed my coffee and hurried Mills down to the water for our first swim of the day.
Where we celebrated our good fortune with a coconut each.
And Milly’s all time favourite fruit, mangosteen.
It’s a bit like a cross between a lychee and a tangerine.
It wasn’t long before Tom, who’s been staying just along the beach trotted up once more.
We left Mills to nibble through her deep bag of purple fruit while we played on the swings with sandy toes.
Tom is exactly the sort of friend you want to run into on a beach.
It’s like befriending a puppy with unlimited energy!
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Eventually we decided to feed our growling bellies and went to the nearest shack for a bite to eat.
Chicken curry, steamed rice & a fried egg.
What more could you ask for?
After lunch we dozed in the sun and said sorry goodbyes to Tom, who’s off to Singapore with his dad.
As I type this Milly is packing up her room (I’ve already done mine) and we’re leaving Angsana, to go (almost next door) to a hotel called Banyan Tree. As much as I’ve loved it here, I’ve heard such amazing things about Banyan, I just can’t wait to get there already!
Thank goodness I have you to talk to while I wait…