This is a long post, so pace yourself! Grab a cuppa and maybe biscuit?
Rude not to, eh?
Without much of a plan, we headed out into the wilds of The Lot Valley to see what we would see.
Surrounded by glorious fields of French sunflowers, we couldn’t resist running and dancing through them in the last of the summer sunshine.
Armful of Silver May bangles (but I’m ‘armless really!)
We wandered the valley, stopping off in Cahors and heading right on through to the river.
We pulled off and bounced along a dirt road, hoping to find a swimming spot.
We hit the jackpot, stumbling across a disused deck, and a shuttered up old canoeing shop.
All that was left was to strip off and jump in!
We let dad go first.
But Emma (Harry’s girlfriend, my sister outlaw) and I quickly followed suit!
Much to Custard’s utter dismay.
Soon enough we were all in, splashing around, spinning and playing like a family of otters.
My fella and my mum stayed dry and snapped away as the rest of us took running leaps into the fresh, cool river.
Poor Custard!
Too fearful to jump, he watched his two favourite people disappear into the abyss!
He stood howling on the deck and lay with his head on his paws until we got out again.
We all clambered back into the car with wet hair and aching cheeks from too much laughing.
And we climbed up, into the mountains.
Where we stumbled upon Saint Cirq Lapopie.
A medieval town, perched on a cliff edge.
Just the spot for a spot of lunch.
We sat under the on the terrace under the vines and gorged ourselves on local delicacies.
The storm clouds which had been quietly gathering overhead, suddenly burst.
Showering the little village in a month’s rain, all at once!
The smell of hot stone suddenly being sloshed with fresh rain wafted in on the breeze.
The herbs and vines found a new lease on life and filled the air with their scent.
We ordered more cider, more wine, and more profiteroles!
Which we walked off, groaning, as we climbed through the town.
Window shopping along the way.