I have found the most unbelievable nap spot.
It’s in the dappled shade at the waters edge and has the softest, powder like sand.
I snoozed off a seafood lunch there this afternoon and Milly snuck a snap.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
We woke up with the sun today. Our new hotel room (a little villa on the cliffside at Sri Panwa) is all glass, so you can enjoy the view from dawn until dusk.
We sat at the end of our sitting room with our feet in the pool and drank our milky coffees.
Then begrudgingly said goodbye to the view and went to grab some breakfast.
I am slightly worried that once we get back to England we wont be able to enjoy our daily doses of eggs Benedict washed down with chocolate milk…
But let’s cross that bridge when we come to it!
Today we set off on another adventure. A trip across the high seas in a long boat, searching for our own little deserted island.
Our find may not have been quite deserted… there was even a little restaurant.
So, we drowned our failed-explorer sorrows in coconuts.
Never underestimate the difficulty of hollowing out a coconut with a pudding spoon!
What’s important is that you remain calm, collected and serenely beautiful at all times.
Lunch was a series of spicy things from the sea.
…aaannd a couple deep fried numbers.
Which is why it all needed to be snoozed off!
See? It all makes sense now.
My little mermaid.
Having waited the obligatory 30mins, we wandered off for a dip and a snorkel.
Showing a little more bottom than intended… but I guess I am at the *bottom* of the sea!
Here’s a grumpy looking fish to make up for it.
On our travels we found a large spear/sword/lightsaber/stick.
Which amused us until a crab scuttled by and sank into the sand.
So the rest of our afternoon was spent tiptoeing around trying not to disturb any more.
Eventually, feeling salty, sandy and a little crisp we waved our goodbyes to the island.
And our boatman chugged us back across the millpond-calm sea.
Just in time for tea and a minibar raid.
And a spot of blogging, of course!