Welcome to Kamala Beach!
I’m writing this post with salty hair. I have sand on my toes and my skin feels ever so slightly crisp.
We have our balcony doors open, the air-con’s off (God, I hate air-con) and the cicadas are in fine voice this evening!
Milly’s outside on the terrace reading her book with a glass of wine and I’ve stolen away a little time to blog about today’s adventures.
We started with carrot and ginger shots for breakfast, y’know just to kick us into gear.
Wolfed down some scrambled eggs and bacon before jumping into a tuk-tuk and heading down to the beach.
We bagged an enormous double sunbed and ordered two fresh coconuts.
Slurped them in the shallows…
… and then scooped out all the flesh back on dry land.
Energised, revitalised and just a little over excited, it was time to enjoy the beach.
We dried off in the sun and dozed a little.
Before we knew it lunch time had reared its pretty little head. We tiptoed over the burning sand to a nearby shack for some sustenance.
Pad Thai
Chicken satay and watermelon smoothies.
Not bad for one man & his wok.
After lunch we headed to the north of the beach to snorkel and explore where the jungle meets the sea.
We took a whole load of GoPro footage. I can’t wait to get my hands on it when we get home and start making my first ever “home movie” to share with you!
I’m so glad Milly & I came on this adventure together.
She’s the best travel companion I could hope for and it makes me love her more than ever.
Almost everyone at Paresa seem to be on their honeymoons so we do tend to get a few funny glances. If I marry and honeymoon with a man who’s even half as fun as Mills, I’ll be a very lucky lady!
Now, if you’ll excuse me. The sand is getting on the sheets and I need to dip myself in a large vat of aloe vera.