A Drop of Scotch Sunshine

Waking up at Gleaneagles in Scotland is always going to feel pretty special, but when you wake up to a view and weather like this…

…well, that’s just irresistible!

My fella and I flew up to Scotland for a long weekend with our friends Julia and Thomas.

Starting our trip at the inimitable Gleneagles hotel, and starting our first day raring to go!

We wolfed down breakfast and headed for the grounds to explore.

Barbour hat

Barbour coat // Tweed blazer

Silk shirt // Hermes scarf

Skinny jeans // Hunter boots

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Keen to make the most of that rarely seen Scottish sunshine, we roamed the gardens, greedily gulping down the fresh air.

Before meeting our guide for something a little more strenuous.

A hiking tour of the nearby Drummond Estate.

Up and up we climbed, giving each other a helping hand when things got rocky!

As with most things, when we looked back we could see it was all worth it.

Of course all struggles are easier with good friends by your side.

And gin, gin helps too!

We said goodbye for noo to the sunshine, and welcomed the drizzle with a hot sloe gin punch.

Just the thing for warming up a couple a lassies.

We saw out the worst of the weather, before continuing on up hill.

Julia’s Coat (similar)

Pheasant jumper // Frill neck shirt

Tartan scarf (similar)

Trousers // Boots

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Julia keeping a look out for all that wild haggis I told her about.

You know I can’t help myself!

There’s something so awe-inspiring about the Scottish countryside.

It seems wilder than anywhere else’s countryside. As though it cannay be tamed.

Which is naturally very appealing to anyone who feels the same way!

Having conquered the mountain (ok, it may have been a hill but let’s call it artistic licence) we began our descent.

Bouncing like mountain goats through the springy heather.

Suddenly we were treated to another drop of that Scotch sunshine.

Just in time for a picnic lunch at the bottom.

We made ourselves at home on the shores of Balloch.

Poured a jot more gin…

…And tucked into a combo of sandwiches, Scotch eggs (naturally) and nibbly bits.

If you’re looking for a truly wild country escape, an hour’s flight from London, Loch no further!

Gleneagles have got you covered.

Lots more Scottish adventures to come, but I’m going to spread them out a bit if you don’t mind. That way they’ll last longer and I won’t be so sad when they’re over!

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