When I was 22, turning 33 felt terrifying.

The end of the world.

A steady decline into old age and obscurity. I so hated the idea of getting older, my university friends and I would sit together and say “you know life will never be better than it is right now? It’s all down hill from here.” 

How foolish we were.

If you’re dreading ageing, I can promise you you’re mistaken.

  1. Growing older is a privilege denied to many.
  2. Growing older may be compulsory, growing up is not!

I can happily say that taking the leap into my 30s has been like sinking into a warm bath. I’m more at ease with myself, more relaxed and happier than I ever was in my 20s or my teens.

We live in a society that values youth above all else, everything is anti-aging, 30-under-30 lists, 20yr old success stories, that it’s easy to buy into all the nonsense. Younger is not better, every year we get is a gift, so let’s not waste another moment being unkind to ourselves.

I wasn’t wound up about my birthday at all this year, I didn’t really plan anything at all.

I woke up to singing and breakfast in bed.

Went to Target to pick out an un-birthday pressie for Lily.

Had a romantic little lunch at The Ivy with my lobster.

Sent out a last minute invitation to friends to join us for tea in the garden.

And threw together a little picnic.

With no tea to be found!

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Plenty of rosé, lots of cheese, cake!

And bubbles!

Which if anyone asks, were for the children.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

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The cakes weren’t homemade this time (I haven’t forgotten I owe you the recipe for Lily’s rainbow cake, don’t worry!) I ordered them from Sweet Laurel Bakery. In true LA fashion they’re dairy free, gluten free and one of them was sugar & carb free too!

One was salted caramel & choc, the other a delicious coconutty chocolate. Unbelievably the sugar free version was my favourite, so I’ve just ordered the cookbook!

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The afternoon was spent with a generous handful of some of my favourite people on the planet.


…chatting and laughing ’til it hurt.

Thank you for all of your lovely birthday wishes.

If I could offer you just one of my birthday wishes, it’s that you stop dreading growing older.

Think of yourself like a fine wine, you only get better with age!

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