A couple of weeks ago, though it feels much longer now the weather’s taken a swift turn from high summer into chilly autumn, I took a little detour on the road into London.
We pulled off the main track and wiggled our way through winding country lanes, in search of a farm.
Not just any farm you understand, that wouldn’t have taken long!
We were looking for a farm I’ve admired from afar for some time. The home to one of my favourite florists, and one of the few who specialise in scented roses, The Real Flower Co.
Never one to turn away a Rose, they let me join the team for the day and harvest a few bouquets for myself.
Julia and I have often joked that our perfect back-up career would be to run a flower farm, so naturally I took to my new role with great excitement!
Helped along by dahlias the size of my head…
We roamed and snipped away.
Through tunnels filled with every conceivable sort of rose and rolling hills of wildflowers.
They specialise in scented bouquets, combining flowers with fragrant herbs and seasonal berries.
How I wish I could make this blog scratch ‘n’ sniff!
In an attempt to buy things that will fit a growing bump I inadvertently ordered this dress a few sizes too large, but was very grateful for the cool breeze it allowed!
From a selection of wildly discounted Zimmerman pieces & my favourite bargain hunting spot.