Much of our time at The Treehotel was spent chilling.
The sun sets not long after lunch and it gets dark fast. Leaving you with nothing to but cosy up beside the fire or snuggle up in your treehouse with a good book, watching flurries of snow caught in shafts of cool moonlight outside. (If you’re looking for a good book, I read this one and loved it.)
It’s a funny thing but having so few hours of daylight available, means you really make the most of them.
Keen to do just that and to see a little more of the surrounding winter wonderland, we set off on an adventure.
Begrudgingly waving goodbye to the treetops…
… and heading out into the unknown, with a picnic, flasks of hot tea, coffee and chocolate (you can never be too prepared!) and a never ending playlist of 70s classics.
Through the eerie mists of the late sunrise.
And into the sugar dusted dream world that is Northern Sweden.
We set our sights on a nature reserve about an hour away, but didn’t get far before having to pull over and explore increasingly spectacular landscapes.
^ Cabin fever!
We drove through surreally beautiful spaces, some that didn’t even feel close to being real.
Everything made that little bit more awe-inspiring by the faint light.
I don’t know if I’ve ever been anywhere so deafeningly quiet.
Every cabin we passed I wanted to stop beside, move into and never leave!