If you’re not the Disney type, please feel free to skip these last two posts!
I know, I know, SO many Disney Land posts all in one go, I can imagine it feels a bit much. But I just couldn’t bare to delete the snaps after we had such a brilliant time.
I use the blog as something of a diary to look back at as well a way to share adventures with friends and family. Valentina is chomping at the bit for more Disney snaps, and so are my nieces!
Big fat sloppy kisses to anyone else who’s enjoying the plethora of photos from our little Parisian escape… big fat sloppy apologies to anyone who’s not!
I promise I’ll crack on with some Christmas gift guides next week.
But in the mean time… MR & MRS MOUSE BALLOONS!
The rain finally took a break and allowed us a glimmer of sunshine for the afternoon.
We made the most of it and satisfied our inner children with with inflatable black mice.
Roamed the park, picked up a few Christmas pressies and went on a few of the tamer rides.
^ My poor future children are going to be forced to wear these sort of things all Christmas long!
Breton stripes for all other seasons, naturally.
We got lost in The Mad Hatter’s maze.
Coat // Jumper // Tights // Rain Boots
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I posed for the exact same picture we took when I was 11 years old.
With the same ridiculous, Disney infused smile!
^ Mad as a box of frogs, as mum would say.
We made wishes for those waiting for us at home.
And raced over to take our places for the parade.
Music blasted through the streets, and the cast came barrelling through. Dancing, flipping, singing, twirling, laughing and blowing kisses to the littles.
I have no idea what the gingerbread men are from, but I love them and their chef’s outfits!
Although I have to say, a rather sultry chipmunk might have stolen the show.
And that’s not a sentence I ever thought I’d write.
In the evening, the Disney Princesses themselves invited us to a twinkling ball.
White linen table cloths, flowers, candles and enough fairy lights to coat Buckingham Palace.
We made our own tiaras and tucked in to a real banquet of goodies.
I had to pop off to take a few press shots with two very special ladies.
It was a bit chilly, but there’s no need to worry…
…”the cold never bothered me anywaaaaay!”
I wore my finest, Frozen inspired, dress and twinkling Louboutins.
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Elsa was very impressed.
All I need now is my very own Olaf…
Custard! Come here, boy!