I’m always looking for quick and easy ways to feed an army.

In my house a wild night is inevitably followed by a mass sleepover, and a bunch of hungover mouths to be satisfied come morning.

This recipe is just ideal!

It requires minimal brain power, very little prep, and no washing up whatsoever.

Whats more, it’s as easy to make a dozen as it is to make one.

The recipe was inspired by my sunrise breakfast at Duck & Waffle. Slightly modified, you get rich molten cheese, a creamy sauce, peppery soft-yolked eggs and a crunchy hunk of warm bread in every mouthful.

You are going to love it!

Right, I’ll tell you how to make one and you can multiply as needed.

You’ll want:

1 Crusty bread roll

1 Free range egg (“pasture raised” in USA)

4-5 dried mushrooms (soaked back to life) {Feel free to swap for cooked lardons, truffle, or smoked salmon!}

1tbsp Cream

1 small handful gruyere cheese

Sprinkle of thyme

Salt + Pepper

Pre-heat your oven to 200C/390F

Cut the top off your roll & scoop out most of the middle.

Add a sprinkle of cheese to the bottom.

Roughly chop your mushrooms and add those too. Push them right into the sides.

Crack in an egg.

Pour over your cream.

Sprinkle over a little thyme, salt and pepper.

Top with more cheese.

Add a few more herbs and extra pepper if you like.

Pop the bread top back on and wrap in foil.

Place on a baking tray and bake for

20mins- Runny yolk

25mins- Soft yolk

30mins- Cooked through (great for breakfast on the run!)

Serve with hot tea. You can even leave them in their wrappers if you don’t want to wash up any plates.

Whip the lid off and dive in!

Deliciously filling, you won’t have mushroom for anything else!

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