God Save The Queen

If you follow me on Instagram you’ll already know that I went to a fancy dress party this weekend. The theme was “Best of British” and the whole shebang was held in honour of ” Pigs4Kids “, a charity set up to help children with learning difficulties.

Phoebe & I spent Friday afternoon rummaging through the rails of goodies at Angels , determined to find something as British as bad weather, fish ‘n’ chips & Mary-bloody-Poppins.

We (both) decided to go as ‘Nancy’ from Oliver! and took it in turns to be each other’s understudy. The boys were clearly feeling pretty manly & invariably went for military dress or shooting attire… we weren’t complaining.

Basil didn’t need to dress up, he was already wearing his finest tux.

Beggin’ Nancys.

After pre-drinks & pizza we set off for the party. It was held in a great big photo studio. They had old Bond movies projected onto the walls, red, white & blue bunting all over & huge a crowd of friends & friends of friends.

It all started out so civilly…

But quickly descended into silliness.

We danced into the early hours of Sunday morning. They raised over £11,000 for the cause . The cherry on top? I can’t remember ever having laughed as much as I did that night. An incredible party.

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