If you’re looking for something to do in London this weekend, you need to check out Broadway Market. It is jam packed with delicious food, beautiful jewelry stands, vintage clothes, old vinyl records, buskers & street performers, local produce & more fresh fruit & veg than you can shake a stick at. Wrap up warm, and head over with a group of friends & an empty belly. You wont regret it.

You’ll be tempted to eat everything in sight. Don’t! Try a couple things and share them between you… but save room, I’ve got something better. Just around the corner you’ll find ‘Netil Market’. A tiny little gathering of stalls selling vintage furniture, clothes & knick-knacks.

See? It’s so cool I even found Wally here.

If you’re a fan of oysters, you have to visit House of Umami. It’s a little stall selling eyewatering-ly fresh Irish & Malden oysters.

Once you’ve had your fill of oysters & Smackerel pate (delicious), it’s time to move on to the main event. The one, the only… Lucky Chip. A burger van selling juicy, meaty burgers with toppings like blue cheese & bacon or softshell crab, guacamole & spicy mayo. (I’m still waiting for them to bring the Fondu Burger back; a beef patty topped with a big spoonful of Swiss style fondu, sandwiched between cloud like bread buns.) Ask any London foodie & Lucky Chip will come in their top 3 burgers of all time.

It’s a share & share alike sort of deal. Kitchen tables litter the area, find a seat & make a friend. Bizarrely we ended up sharing a table with Kiera Knightly, who managed her burger with a lot more grace than I did (It wasn’t until I’d finished that I realised I’d been dripping burger juice into my handbag). Dribbling aside, Netil Market’s a great place to go for a lazy Saturday or even to show off your ‘cool London knowledge’ to friends from out of town. Lucky Chip is also open for dinner nearly every day of the week, so you don’t even have to wait for the weekend! You’ll find Broadway Market here & Umami & Lucky Chip are here . If you’re a Tweeter, follow them: @lucky_chip @houseofumami .

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