This is the easiest, prettiest pudding you will ever make.
It’s a slightly updated version of a recipe by Leia, on It’s a wonderful blog, you should take a peek.
It’s a one pot recipe, and only takes about 10mins to make.
You can make it ahead of time, pop it in the fridge and whip it out at the last second to the delighted ooh’s and ahh’s of your guests.
It is a little lazy using premade pastry, but you’ll have all that extra time to… get on with your life.

To make 2 large tarts, you will need-
3 Whole eggs
2 Egg yolks
5 Lemons (juiced) + zest of one
200g Caster Sugar
400ml Double cream
2 Large ready made pastry cases
Icing sugar & mixed berries for decoration

Squeeze your halved lemons into a bowl (through a sieve, to catch the pips) along with the zest of just one lemon.

Whisk together your eggs, sugar and lemon juice.
Pour into a sauce pan & continue to stir until it thickens.

When it’s about the consistency of slightly runny lemon curd, turn the heat right down and add the cream.

Keep stirring for a couple more minutes.

Prepare your pastry (take it out of the packet and put it on a nice big plate)

& pour over your lemoney goo (technical term). 

Pop it in the fridge for a couple of hours.
When it looks about set, bring it out…



(Obviously you’ll have 2 tarts, you lucky thing, but my pics are just to give you an idea of what to expect.)

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