I must admit that in my previous jaunts to Marrakech, I wrote off Jardin Majorelle as something of a tourist trap.
It’s on every Marrakech To Do List and the queue?
Good god, the queue.
It makes Disney Land look positively deserted.
So I’ve avoided it. But this year all that changed. As you see, there’s been a development. The YSL Museum has finally opened, and along with it, a shortcut.
When you arrive at the garden, keep going. Walk right to the end of the queue and keep on walking. Soon you’ll reach the stunningly beautiful YSL Museum, which is so new… no one knows it’s there! (Other than your fellow Londoner readers.) Ask for a combined ticket to the museum and the gardens. You can either go right into the museum then, or head into the gardens.
Which is what we did, to make the most of the last of the afternoon sun.
Once you’re inside, you’ll see why it’s on everyone’s list.
It truly is remarkably beautiful.
Lush greenery growing up through pink sand, contrasting spectacularly with the cobalt blue and bright yellows of the architecture.
Palms and towering bamboo make cathedral like paths through the jungle.
Viaducts and fountains feed them all, and fill the space with the sound of trickling water.
It’s the perfect place to find a little shade in the heat of the day.