We arrived in Paris around lunch time.
Wide eyed, bushy tailed, and ready to sink our teeth into the trip.

We unpacked (well, placed our overstuffed suitcases into the cupboards – out of sight out of mind!) and headed out into the frosty sunshine.

Pink coat // Grey wrap // White button shirt
Blue jeans // Converse // Prada tote
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Ready for some serious French cheese, pastry, bread and wine, my chap and I headed off to meet Angela for lunch.
But she had other (far better ideas).

Choosing to introduce us to Paris’ best kept secret; Tch’a Tea House.

It’s a fascinating, tiny little place. Built with stones from a ruined monastery, it has a wonderful zen like calm about it.
And some of the best dumplings this side of the planet!

You start by making your way through the extensive list of teas on offer.

With pictures of pots, to tea-se you!
Once you’ve chosen, the teapots arrive with their cups, in a large dish.
The first cupful is poured into the dish, and is refilled, ready for sipping.

We shared a few plates, all ordered by Angela (who certainly knows what she’s doing).
My favourites were the radish cakes.

They don’t sound good, but trust me they are epic. Fluffy, gloopy, tasty, fried little squares of heaven.
The fragrant steamed fish was exceptional.

^ A veg mix up, in a sticky soy sauce.

Stir fried beef.

^ Endless tea!
And the dish I could eat every day forever and ever…

Prawn dumplings with chilli sauce.
*Angels sing!*
They deserve one more shot!

All topped off with sweet sesame seed dumplings floating in ginger broth.

And lots more tea!

The place is owned and run by a sweet woman and her wife.
I’m afraid there’s no website and you can only get a table if you ask very, very nicely. (I’m being totally serious.)
The bill is calculated by abacus.

I really can’t recommend a trip enough! Find them here.

After lunch I headed straight to the Lanvin head offices.
I had to be fitted for the fashion show, along with some other events. I wasn’t allowed to take pictures, but, oh, it was a dream!
Rail after rail of masterpieces, cases filled with shoes and walls covered in bags.
We looked through all of the recent collections and decided on my favourites.
In a mirror panelled changing room I did my best to squuuuueeze myself into the teeny runway dresses and just about managed (with some brute force!).
I left the offices very excited indeed, with just a quick lift selfie!

Because I do love you.
Dropped the bags at home and headed off into the afternoon for a good old fashioned Parisian walk.

“If you have ever walked in Paris, you will see that Paris will ever walk in your memoires!” MMi

We strolled arm in arm until the light turned golden.
Looked at each other, raised an eyebrow each and knew exactly where we should go.
Moments later we took up our spots on the Hotel Costes terrace, ordered our frosty mojitos and sat back to watch the evening unfold.

We topped off an evening of people watching (Hotel Costes is the mothership for Fashion Week peacocks!) with a hearty supper at one of my favourite brasseries, with one of my favourite couples.

When it comes to a fantastic first evening in Paris, I think we snailed it.
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