New Year’s Giveaway : £1000 Shopping Spree!

The Londoner is reborn!

Welcome to the shiny new site, I don’t think I could possibly be more excited to show you around!

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Have a play, have a snoop and let me know what you think.

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All in all it should just be much easier to get around and to read. It’s faster, slicker and much more user friendly than the old site.

You can also FINALLY read it properly on your iPad and mobile!

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There’s a “Read More” switch at the top where you can choose to see all the blog posts in full, rather than snippets… if that’s what you prefer.

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The Shop no longer takes three years to load! There are different areas (including a SALE spot and a much better Menswear section.)

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The ads you see on the side will soon be more targeted, so (once it’s all sorted out) you should see fashion ads in the Style section, food ones in the Recipe section, etc. which should feel like it all makes more sense!

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And you should notice a few more upgrades here and there.

If you find bugs or glitches please let me know, there are bound to be a few!

But mostly I think we should celebrate! It is about to be the new year, after all.

I know you love life’s little luxuries so it only seemed right to team up with the some of the Big Cheeses of luxury fashion, Luisaviaroma.

Together we’re giving away a £1000 spree to spend on the site. Entering is easy as pie. Then all you have to do is figure out what you’d spend it on!

A treat from the vast array of handbags?

Shoes perhaps?




Menswear? (Yes, chaps are welcome to enter too!)

Kids stuff?

Maybe you’ll run amok in the sales?

Luisaviaroma is your oyster! Go wild!

Use the widget below to enter and the winner will be chosen this time next week.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, Happy New Year and I hope you enjoy the new site!

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