London Fashion Week

This has been the first Fashion Week that I’ve been working so hard, I haven’t had a chance to go to any of the shows.
Sob story… poor me, little violins, weeping children, etc.
I finally stole away from my desk and headed to the PPQ show on Friday night.
My little fix of bright lights, air kisses and flash bulbs.

You can safely say ‘heroine chic’ is here to stay.
This particular model looked like she was being coaxed down the runway with a bag of coke.
The show however, was beautiful.
Candyfloss pastels, teamed with patched denim and wild 80s prints.

[iframe allowfullscreen=”” frameborder=”0″ height=”320″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/XA9H5VsSb0U?rel=0″ width=”560″]

After the show it’s the afteeeer parrrttyyy.
Did you read that in R.Kelly’s voice?
Go back and do it again, outloud if possible.
We headed to The Mayfair Hotel for the after party, where my camera kindly died on me.
VIP was held in one of the rooftop suites, a gorgeous room crammed with gold balloons & gorgeous waitresses ferrying pink cocktails to chattering guests.
Downstairs however, the real party was happening. A huge checkered dancefloor with 60’s music and fairy lights.
So kitch, so fab.
Fashion Week, I missed you.

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