There was one thing I really, really wanted when I stepped off that plane at Heathrow…

A burger.

Fiji was magical, incredible, life changingly awesome.

But if you’re a burger nut, you may as well be lost at sea.

I’d spent two whole weeks dreaming about a really great, filthy cheeseburger. I ached for one.

Now I’ve tried all the great burger joints in London, but this sort of hankerin’ was something I was going to have to settle in private.

I needed a beast.

A real man burger.

3 Cheese Roq Star Burgers were born.

They get their name from their gooey Roquefort filled centre, and two beef patties ; 1 smothered in red Leicester & the other swaddled in a molten Cheddar blanket.

Not only is this burger a Roq Star, it’s a god damn Food-Porn Star.

Look at it posing like that…


I’ll tell you how to make one and then you can double up the recipe as many times as you like.

You need:

2 high quality beef patties (preferably made by your local butcher, the best mix is blend of sirloin, chuck, & brisket),

Slice of Red Leicester cheese,

Slice of mature Cheddar cheese,

Couple slices of Roquefort,




Tbsp ketchup,

Tbsp mayo,

Tbsp hot sauce,

Salt n pepper.

Get a nonstick frying pan really nice & hot on the hob & pop your grill (broiler) on to warm up.

Don’t add any oil to the pan. Salt & pepper the outside of your patties & place them into the pan. Now you want to press these bad boys down. This is a new trick I learnt, if you want glossy, dark brown, pro-looking burgers, you need to press them into the pan as they cook. Use the back of your spatula or, if you’re as lazy as I am, just use a saucepan with a flat bottom and pop a tin of something in to weigh it down.

Start getting your bun ready, slice it open. Cut a good slice of tomato. After a couple mins your burgers should be ready to flip. Repeat your squishing technique on this side.

Mix your three sauces together to make one glorious burger sauce.

Remove your burgers from the pan & place onto a baking tray.

Pop a slice of cheddar on one, red Leicester on the other & put them under the grill (broiler) for a couple mins until the cheese melts. When they’re well & truly smothered take them out. Put lettuce on your bottom bun (this stops it going soggy), pop a patty on top, followed by loads of blue cheese, then your other patty, your burger sauce, the tom and then the bun topper.

Boom. Burger perfection in the privacy of your own home.

I like to squish my burgers before eating them.

1: It makes them easier to get your chops around. 2: All the flavours combine & ooze into each other. Ooooooze. What a great word! But the best bite of a burger is always the last. This hunk-a-love you save until the end…


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