I hosted a little girly sleepover at my place the other night.
Face masks, cosy socks, candles and a whole stack of cookies.
But not just any cookies, oh no.
These were monstrously delicious cookies. Bigger than your fist, they’ll bite back if you don’t get them first!
I’ve been playing around with the recipe for a while so was pretty excited to finally let them outta their cage.
The monsters went down an absolute storm, so as promised, I’m sharing the recipe with you.
Ok, you’re going to want to make the dough for these a day early.
They need a night in the cooler before they go into the oven and get all delicious.
You’ll need to measure out:
200g (1 cup) light brown sugar
200g (just under 1 cup) white sugar
250g (1 heaped cup) room temp butter
3 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 medium free range eggs
550g (3.5 cups) plain flour
Half a teaspoon of baking soda
2 tsp corn flour
1 teaspoon salt(unless you used salted butter in which case, skip)
3 bars good quality chocolate (roughly chopped)
Handful of chopped up freeze dried raspberries
Cream together your butter and sugar, then add your vanilla extract and eggs. Once the mix is all smooth & fluffy, add your plain flour, baking soda, corn flour and salt. Mix it all up until you have a good cookie batter going! Throw in your chocolate and raspberries. Roll up your sleeves and use your hands to make sure these get distributed evenly.
Pop your cookie dough out onto a sheet of clingflim and roll into a sausage.
Place it into the fridge and leave it overnight, or up to 24hours.
When you’re ready to roll, pre-heat your oven to 190C/370F and get you cookie sausage out of the fridge.
Cut off a few slices, about an inch thick and roll into a cookie shape. Place on a silicone cookie sheet (or parchment paper) and bake for 10mins, if they’re brown around the edges whip them out to cool. If you think they need a bit longer, keep ’em in for a couple more mins.
Cool on a wire rack, but tuck in when they’re still warm.
Serve with fresh raspberries and cold milk.
They’re deep-dish cookies really.
Thick, fluffy monsters!
Make sure you’re expecting company, or you might just eat the whole batch!
The recipe makes 15-20 cookies and you can keep them for about a week in an air-tight container.
As soon as the weather heats up again, I’m making cookie ice-cream sandwiches! *Homer drooling sound*